The morning greeted us with brilliant sunshine, albeit accompanied by fierce winds, as we approached Ingeborgfjellet, nestled at the entrance of Bellsund’s majestic fjord system. Despite eager anticipation, weather dictated a stay onboard. However, we were treated to an enlightening presentation by our onboard scientists, Rui and Rita, as they detailed their insights and methodology on global climate change research.

Following lunch, we geared up for an afternoon of adventure in Recherchefjorden. There were several hike options, but all had something in common, immersing ourselves into the Arctic wilderness. Hours walking into the tundra, surrounded by reindeer, a myriad of bird species, delicate plant life, and landscapes that defy description, left all of us moved by the experience.

Back onboard, our expert naturalists provided a rich recap of the day's discoveries. Another sumptuous dinner followed, fueling us for tomorrow's promises of one last day of adventures in this unique Arctic Archipelago.