Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

After cruising along the open ocean all night, we awoke as though we had gone through the calm waters of a lake. Through the windows revealed the beautiful “Golfo Dulce” surrounded by emerald green and lush tropical vegetation. Royal terns were flying around the boat and it the distance in the jungle. We could even hear the call of the toucans asking us to make them immortal through our photo equipment.

Our first stop was at the “Casa Orquidea” gardens, a garden owned by a couple of experts Ron and Trudy MacAllister. Walking through the garden we discovered not only just how exuberant colors and shapes can be in the tropics, but also an array of fruits, tubers and roots we have had on board the Sea Voyager; such as cassava, and medicinal plants. We even colored our faces with annatto or achiote, the lipstick plant.

The birding at “Casa Orquidea” was fantastic, the first bird we saw soaring the sky was a king vulture. Flashes of red through the bushes were Cherrie’s tanagers, humming birds in paradise with so many flowers, and toucans jumped from branch to branch bragging about their big colorful beaks. As we were boarding our Zodiacs back to the ship, a pair of scarlet macaws reminded us why they have to be free.

The afternoon was full of options. Kayaking was the adventure for some while others cruised through the mangrove estuary in a Zodiac. With sightings of a sloth and roseate spoonbills a walk along a road also revealed capuchin monkeys and many bird. Of course how can we visit a rain forest and not get rained on?! The rain came and everyone got wet! We rested at a cantina telling stories about the things we saw.

As we started to make our way from this beautiful spot, it was difficult not to notice how spectacular the land is not developed with condos and luxurious hotels. How brave these people have to be to keep this gulf pristine and untamed to our sight. How much longer will these courageous people stand the pressure?