Española Island

Blue-footed boobies mating in front of us, right in the middle of the trail. Isn’t it unbelievable?

However things like that often happen in the Galapagos Islands. One is only required to observe, to open one’s eyes and look in all directions. To listen is very important as well. We recognize the whistles of the male boobies, and the honks of the females. We can perceive the sounds of the wind and the waves, and baby sea lions calling their mothers from the water.

To smell is also of great value. One can tell when the iguanas are around and when the flowers of the shore petunias are opened to the sun. And we can even taste details of the island, like the salt of the waterspout coming from the “blow hole”.

All our senses are vital to take in the nature surrounding us as a whole. And we experienced the beauty of Española Island with every one of the implications of its sweet, “petunia-flowery”, turquoise and salty distinctiveness.