Española Island

The oldest island in the Galápagos is Española (Hood) Island; a lovely day with sun and nice refreshing breeze accompanied us all along the way. We looked for boobies and we got them right at our feet, we wanted to see colorful iguanas and they were sunbathing in the middle of the path, we were not looking for small animals but lava lizards and a snake crawled next to us. We encountered Nazca boobies and Galápagos waved albatross courting, and large numbers of blue footed boobies flying, mating and dancing all over the place. We felt overwhelmed by this activity around us but at the same time we were practically ignored by all these animals and that is precisely one of the most amazing aspects of the islands. We were observing but at the same time we were observed by finches, and we were even closely inspected by inquisitive Hood mockingbirds.

Our afternoon was very exciting visiting Gardner Bay, where we had large colonies of Galápagos sea lions; all of the different territories had a territorial bull defending them. Some of us went snorkeling, while others went on the glass bottom boat. Later on, we went kayaking along the shore of Hood and found sea turtles, and lots of seabirds flying above our heads.

At the end of our journey we saw a rewarding beautiful sunset.