Española Island

We are at Española Island, a southeastern, small, flat but impressive place, and the home of many unique species.

We are ready to start our water activities. First snorkelers head for Gardner Islet as a last interaction with the underwater Galápagos realm. Today we had playful sea lions, diamond sting rays, many colorful fish and calm waters like an amazing clear water pool with many colors to see. Then beach goers disembarked to explore a mile long white sand turquoise water shoreline with many sea lions on shore and the Española mockingbirds. Afterwards we offered a costal visit on kayak for close encounters with Mother Nature my dear reader; this one was hard to describe, you just simply had to be here to experiences all the excitement!

Back on board we reposition to our next visitor site. Punta Suarez is the land of the waved albatross and the famous Española blow hole. Along the rocky trail we observed the unique lava lizards, mockingbirds, marine iguanas, and a pair of Galápagos hawks feeding their offspring. There were also doves, several species of finches and of course the charming, noisy and ever present sea lions.

Once the sun set, it was time to return to the ship and reminisce about the many experiences of such a wonderful week. As we look back and gaze at the islands for the last time, to us it appears this place seems to be timeless; it is now deep within our hearts and our experience has been unforgettable on these special islands, where the wildlife that has no fear and allows us to realize that we are not so different.

“We must not acknowledge the methodical saying “don’t humanize the animals” but instead “animalize the human” by perceiving our surrounding with all our senses; embrace nature by coexistence and respect for one another, so we can become one with nature as we once were.

My dear guests, we really hope this experience will stay in your hearts for a lifetime. Someone once said “the past is forgotten and the future uncertain, but the present is a gift and that is why we call it present”.

Farewell my friends.