Wafting mist from the waterfall at Cascade Creek briefly hydrated us as we scaled the stone steps of the trail. The raging waterfall was a sight to behold and the early morning light in the forest was magical. One of our guests captured the sights and mood of the day with a watercolor painting.

The afternoon navigation north was highly productive. We went from a lob tailing humpback whale calf with its mother, to a group of four humpback whales doing synchronized diving, to another group of three whales doing a series of short dives. Through the website of HappyWhale.com, we had positive identifications of all the whales we found. Some were known migrators to Hawaii and others were documented migrators to Baja California and slightly south. It was a warm sunny day in Southeast Alaska filled with forest exploration, waterfall admiration, kayaking, and feeding whales. It was an awesome day.