It’s been an absolutely spectacular day here in Southeast Alaska. We started our day by cruising around the southern end of Frederick Sound at a place called Thomas Bay. Before breakfast, we spotted two large male killer whales – the first sighting of these amazing mammals of the trip. We had some amazing views of these massive creatures, and at times they surfaced within fifty feet of the ship! We followed them for nearly thirty minutes before moving on towards our morning activities.

We offered a vigorous hike up Spurt Lake Trail and inflatable cruises around Baird Glacier. The hike was absolutely beautiful, but very steep and muddy. It was a great test for our boots, and we had a lot of fun tromping through the deep mud and thick vegetation. The inflatable cruises spent time cruising around the ship and the nearby glacier, and offered some great opportunities for birding.

In the afternoon, we visited the amazing fishing town of Petersburg. Several activities were offered: many guests jumped at the opportunity to take a scenic flight tour on a local float plane, a spectacular way to view the incredible nearby peaks and glaciers. A dock walk, led by naturalists, was a great way to familiarize ourselves with the different types of fishing vessels and diversity of marine life around the dock. Finally, a muskeg (Alaskan peat bog) walk was offered, providing an excellent chance to view plants that are specific to these marshy and acidic conditions.

Our day was concluded with one of the best dinners of the week – a crab feast. A fresh catch of Alaskan Dungeness crab was purchased in Petersburg, and everyone enjoyed the endless crab legs delivered to our tables throughout dinner. It was a delicious way to end the day here in Petersburg!