Today we have a sea day. We are leaving North Island towards the south. The hilly coastline of North Island is clearly visible. Over a leisurely breakfast, we exchange stories about our experiences over the previous days. It seems everybody is happy for a chance to catch up with their loved ones at home and sort their numerous photos. We also have a chance to learn about New Zealand during four different presentations. Javier Cotin gives a very entertaining talk on the seabirds found here. Lee Moll offers insight into the geology of New Zealand and some of the endemic plants and animals. After lunch, we enjoy a rest and then marvel during a talk by a National Geographic photographer. And finally, cultural specialist Birgit Aikman tells us what makes the Māori culture so unique. Our usual cocktail hour is enhanced by a variety of recap presentations, from Art Deco architecture to the birds seen today to undersea footage to more information about where New Zealand is on the geographical map. Our relaxing day comes to an end with a typically excellent dinner and a New Zealand movie, including the popcorn.
National Geographic Orion
Waitangi and Russell, Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Kia Ora and greetings to all our readers. The Bay of Islands in the North Island of Aotearoa, New Zealand, could not have been more beautiful as National Geographic Orion slipped in through her turquoise waters. A light chilly wind with classical sunshine made for a great day to experience this special place. The goal of today’s expedition was to immerse our guests in the tradition and culture of the New Zealand native peoples. Waitangi is one of the cultural centres for the Maori people, the place where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed between the Maori chiefs of Aotearoa and the British sovereignty back in the 1800’s. Guests were introduced to the ancient war canoes, at least one hundred years old, as they were being prepared to sail on Waitangi Celebration Day on February 6th. Guests marvelled at the carved artistry and designs and were thrilled to be led onto the flagstaff grounds of Waitangi with National Geographic Orion in the background. An invitation was extended to all guests to enter the Wharenui (ceremonial house) to experience a performance presented by the Maori dancers. This was a great way to begin our voyage through the Pacific Ocean as we said farewell to New Zealand with fond memories of her people. Cheers!