Soon after we awoke, the National Geographic Sea Lion set anchor at Granite Cove on George Island. We started off the morning with stretches on the deck and Eggs Benedict, and then headed out to explore.  

Some chose to kayak around the island, exploring each cove, point and wash rock. Skimming over the top of kelp forests put us at water level with sea otters and harbor seals. Others chose to explore by inflatable boats, which took our travelers up close to the wildlife a little further from the island. Here, they had a distant glimpse of Bray Glacier and spotted humpback whales, Steller sea lions, sea otters and bald eagles.  

Other guests preferred to walk along the island’s coastline to peek into tide pools filled with sea stars, sea anemones and mussels. Many took the quick walk up to view the large artillery gun left there to rust from the northernmost WWII post in Southeast Alaska. And finally, some brave souls among us took the Polar Plunge challenge and went for a very brief swim at the beach – followed immediately by hot cocoa – before returning to the warmth of the ship.  

Just before the ship pulled anchor, the SCUBA divers headed out for a look underneath all that kelp. They saw rockfishes, more anemones and nudibranchs (bright little sea slugs) as they swam along an underwater granite wall under the kelp canopy. After we were all aboard and full of another delicious lunch, a tour of the galley satisfied curious minds about how the kitchen crew can make so many amazing meals in such a small kitchen.  

Later in the afternoon, the ship dropped anchor again – this time at Fox Creek – and we headed ashore for more hiking and kayaking. Despite the unseasonable drizzling rain, a hike up the creek brought us to some salmon fry and, further up, a small waterfall. Hikers also spotted butterwort (a carnivorous insect-devouring plant) and ground cone, a parasitic pinecone-like plant that feeds on the roots of nearby trees. Back at water level, kayakers added porpoises and harbor seals to the list of marine mammals seen today.  

After an exhausting choice between curry, fresh crab cakes or game hen – followed by rich chocolate beet cake – we relaxed in the lounge, always ready to spot wildlife as we navigate to our next stop.