Esquinas River & Casa Orquideas

We spent our last day in Costa Rica visiting the mangrove estuary of the Esquinas (corner) River. The morning started with the choice of a Zodiac ride or going kayaking. Both activities incorporated looking for aquatic birds and other animals at the mangrove forest.

Our first sightings were a group of white ibises and whimbrels, the mangrove hummingbird, white-necked puffbird, lineated woodpeckers and a noisy bunch of grey-headed chachalacas. We also spotted two rainbow boas in the trees taking a morning sun bath, this allowed for a superior view of one of them. On the way back we sighted an American crocodile.

After lunch, we visited “the place where the colors speak by themselves”, Casa Orquideas Botanical Garden. At these gardens, we enjoyed colorful tropical flowers and fruiting trees from around the world. We learned that these flowers and fruits are irresistible to the diverse bird life. Four scarlet macaws perched on a bared tree in the middle of the garden, as well as two chestnut-mandible toucans! These events certainly invigorated the birdwatchers as well as the rest of us with tremendous excitement.

At the end of the day, a tropical storm delivered the pristine feeling of being in the rain forest.