Golfo Dulce, Casa Orquideas

Well today we had our second day in Costa Rica and this trip is just getting better and better every day. We started right after breakfast exploring the mouth of the Esquinas River in two very different ways; one group going in the Zodiacs with a Naturalist, or you could explore with a partner in one of our fleet of kayaks. And believe me either way was amazing.

We got to see the mangrove forest which is one of the richest ecosystems in the world and today we had a little taste of their biodiversity we saw snowy egrets, white ibis, whimbrels, willets, great blue herons, little blue herons, king vulture, and an impressive red mangrove forest right at the river mouth, that was displace as we moved up the river by black mangrove, tea mangrove and tropical forest. After our morning outing in the mangrove forest we had a chance to cool of by swimming off the stern of the ship before lunch.

Later our Capitan repositioned the ship to visit a botanical garden name Casa Orquideas, the “house of the orchids,” owned by a couple of Americans that move to this place more than thirty years ago. Here they started to collect local tropical plants and buy or traded with other botanical gardens until they build this heavenly place with tropical plants from all over the world.

At the garden we had time not only to look at the plants, but also to look at the different type of birds that come attracted to the flowers and fruits of the garden, among them was the chestnut-mandibled toucan, green honeycreeper, more than one type of hummingbird and tanagers and even a white hawk. And just to put a nice touch to the end of this day, we started our cocktail hour ring on the beach with a nice sunset and warm tropical rain.