Columbia River Gorge

Our day began today at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, located high on a bluff above the Columbia River Gorge just downstream from The Dalles. In this world-class interpretive facility we were able to step back in time, and imagine ourselves traveling across the continent as Lewis and Clark had done, or even as so many settlers did a hundred years later as they traversed the perilous Oregon Trail.

As you can see our Expedition Staff really got into the swing of things here, enjoying the wardrobe of yesteryear!

Next on our adventure was the spectacular vista from Rowena Crest, where you could see up and down the Gorge, as we all made our way towards Hood River. Along the way some us hiked along the historic scenic highway, through the Mosier Tunnels, while some of us wandered the antique stores and boutiques of Hood River, before we all continued our way towards the Ocean. We enjoyed lunch aboard as we sailed into the more dramatic sections of the Gorger before we arrived to our final lock, that at Bonneville Dam. Our final lock, of our journey up and down the Columbia and Snake Rivers, but actually the first dam constructed, in 1937.

As we exited the dam we were fortunate to see two Bald Eagles majestically perched in a fir tree above the banks of the Columbia. A fitting end to a majestic day!