Tenakee Inlet and Basket Bay

One thing is for sure, you never know what each new day is going to bring. Our Wednesday began bright and early at Tenakee Inlet on the east side of Chichagof Island. As the Sea Lion sat at anchor, Zodiacs shuttled load after load of life-vested enthusiastic people to the shore for a morning hike through the forest and for an awakening glide through the clear waters using our fleet of kayaks. With a full turnout for kayakers, we spent all morning paddling and walking among the unspoiled Alaskan wilderness.

Being the fourth day of our journey, we had seen many bald eagles in pairs, many ravens in pairs, many kingfishers in pairs even a couple of surf birds on the side rail of the ship. All of these sightings make us think about how amazing some of these long-term relationships among animals can be. People were inspired by the bonding pairs, one guest more than others. Ed Kalotkin was inspired to the point that he arranged a special Zodiac trip. A so called "scouting mission" to the private grotto cave turned out to be a secret plan to ask his girlfriend, Michelle, for her hand in marriage. Once she said "YES," the boatswain took the loving couple by the Sea Lion where everyone was out on deck to welcome them with a great cheer accompanied by the ship's whistle. No doubt this was a sweet moment that the newly-engaged couple will remember forever.

Whales, Bears, Eagles, proposals..??…..!!! Welcome to the M/V Love Boat.