Our transit of Glacier Bay National Park today revealed a spectacular sampling of the inhabitants of this 24 million acre wilderness, a world biosphere reserve and world heritage site. Many of us never put down our cameras and binoculars all day! A humpback whale and sea otters ushered us into the southern portion of the bay en route to the seabird colony on South Marble Island, where we enjoyed watching a great diversity of seabirds including the ever-popular tufted puffins and black oystercatchers. Cruising north we passed the lovely landscapes of an emergent glacially carved landscape, cloaked in alder, willow and purple fireweed. An unexpected treat was a long look at a mountain goat billy, maneuvering the cliffs with an admirable sure-footedness. Leaving the land of ice and the tidewater glaciers, a special sighting was a bald eagle resting on an iceberg. Few places on the planet offer us an opportunity to see so much wildness.