Tonight we feasted on freshly caught Dungeness crab purchased today in Petersburg. With napkins politely on our laps, sleeves rolled above our elbows, the feeding frenzy began. Within minutes primitive feeding techniques replaced fork and knife. Oohs and aahs were heard as the delicate, tender crab morsels were slipped into steaming butter and slid into our anxious mouths. "Oh my gosh, this is soooo good", was heard over and over again as the platters piled with crab just kept coming. Along with barbecued ribs, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, coleslaw, fresh- baked beer bread, and blueberry cobbler for desert, our chefs really outdid themselves tonight. It was a fitting close to our morning of Zodiac cruising among the icebergs from the LeConte glacier and visiting Petersburg, a charming fishing community which supplies us with all of the fresh salmon, shrimp, smoked halibut, and crab served on the Sea Lion.