Bartholomew and Santiago Islands

Today was a truly wonderful day in the Galápagos Islands. Our expedition started very early in the morning with a pre-breakfast outing to visit Bartholomew Islet, as we climbed to its summit we observed several lava lizards trying hard to drink some fresh water kept on the steps.

We reached the top of Bartholomew and the magnificent view was breathtaking, not to mention the amazingly luminous morning we had.

We returned to our ship to a very delicious and rewarding breakfast and with all our energy restored we went ashore once more, this time to discover the amazing Galápagos underwater world. While some went snorkeling others chose the glass-bottom boat alternative; everyone was joyful as many had Galápagos penguins swimming along as well as white-tipped reef sharks and sea lions.

During our visit in the afternoon we encountered Pacific green sea turtles swimming peacefully in the bay Puerto Egas, and a nice warm breeze was our company along the trail.

We enjoyed our time on the island as there were many creatures like this yellow-crowned night heron, one of the main predators of the Sally lightfoot crab resting on the lava, and one of the most beautiful birds in Galápagos. Many female Galápagos sea lions were seen along the shore with their pups nursing them while the territorial male watched over his area.

The weather was perfect today as we watched the sun setting behind Isabela Island – the very best way to finish our day here in this paradise.