Floreana Island

We started the day with a feeding frenzy of blue-footed boobies and brown-noddy terns. Right after that, we took part in a penguin chase (to give it a name: it was a penguin “porpoising” after another penguin). This happened on our way to Post Office Bay, where we visited the famous barrel and picked up letters to hand deliver someday.

Floreana was reserving even better sightings for all of us. The snorkeling was just spectacular. We had 60 feet of visibility, and barracudas, colorful fish and even sharks accompanied us as we drifted along Champion Islet. Photographers and bird watchers were all thrilled by the view of the elusive Floreana mockingbird. There are only a few pairs left in the whole world, and we got to photograph a few with the amazing background of gigantic Opuntias and endemic Scalesias.

After the typical Ecuadorian lunch with dishes from all over the country, we landed on Punta Cormorant, but on the way to the landing place we stopped to enjoy and photograph red-billed tropic birds that were in a beautiful display. And finally on shore our eyes were delighted with the pinkish coloration of the brackish lagoon and greater flamingoes. Sunset was …no words. What a good day!