Santa Cruz Island

It is Wednesday, a beautiful day in the Galápagos. We anchored early in the morning in front of Puerto Ayora, the largest inhabited town in the islands. We visited first the Charles Darwin Research Station where we learned about the giant tortoise breeding and raising programs and the land iguana program as well. We met famous lonesome George, the last tortoise from Pinta Island, a unique subspecies that will hopefully find its mate one of these days. We also saw the Espanola tortoises, succesful parents of more than 1500 babies that have been already sent back to Espanola Island.

Our guests had the opportunity to walk through town, enjoying its streets and friendly people. In the afternoon we went to the highlands where we found tortoises in the wild walking freely through the grasses, at 1000 feet high, in a beautiful area with an amazing view of the ocean and with great trees and plants and lots of them! Some went to the twin craters, to enjoy its geology and unique vegetation. It was a very good day for all of us!