Tower Island

A trip to the Galapagos Islands provides all our guests with an unforgettable experience of the awesome complexities and fascinating intricacies of this incredible planet of ours. During our journey, we’ve witnessed a real host of treasures, from the microscopic to the gargantuan. The former include the planktonic beings that contribute to the surface luminescence of the sea, where dolphins at night time cover their bodies with this beautiful light. One of our younger guests described this magical sight as “comets in the sea”. The latter include such oddities as the giant tortoises and spectacular landscapes like the caldera of Tower Island, where the Polaris anchored all day.

If you are looking for a completely other-wordly experience, a return to the origins of life and earth itself, this is most definitely the place to visit, as it now has no equals on our planet.

This has been the season of family voyages on board the Polaris in Galapagos, and it is a great feeling for all staff members seeing the joy and enthusiasm on all these small faces, as they witness something that they will carry with them forever. Tonight all the kids on board got together, under the direction of our family activities coordinator, Linda, to perform an enchanting piece of theater on the wonders they have learnt this trip: in particular of the arrival and establishment of all organisms in this remote place.