Bahia Magdalena
Another fantastic day observing gray whales from up close! A group of us started early, just as the sun broke over the horizon. Completely calm waters carried us slowly into the presence of a female with a calf. We slowly approached them and saw that the young animal was playfully rolling over the head of the mother, changing sides constantly. Mother would swim slowly in a large circle, and baby would swim at least double that distance. Eventually the female began logging, lying at the surface quite motionlessly, without breathing for short periods. Baby would then go off at a distance of at least 30 to 40 meters, rolling playfully back and forth. We observed this pair for quite a time, and eventually returned to the ship for a hearty breakfast. Meanwhile a second group took off and went whale-watching also.
At around midday we lifted anchor and began our long trek south of Bahia Magdalena and out into the Pacific Ocean. At the lower exit to the bay, we saw a good number of whales cavorting, probably male-female couples more interested in mating than in the happenings inside the bay. We continued out, and began our night-long trip down to the Cape region of Baja California, enjoying different groups of dolphins along the way.