Isabela & Fernandina Islands

What a wonderful day we all had.

Early in the morning we started our day with what was going to be an optional wake up call. Our expedition leader, Lucho Verdesoto, was so exited to encounter dolphins that it was decided that no one should miss this wonderful show. Common dolphins and later on the sighting of a whale were reason enough for the most of the guests to join us on the outer decks. They were spotted near by the equatorial line, as if they were pointing the right direction to it. Shortly after, our National Geographic photographer, Tim Laman, gave us great tips on how to improve the photographic experience of our guests.

A nice Zodiac ride along the coast of Isabela Island gave us the chance to admire two unique flightless birds in this archipelago: flightless cormorants and the Galápagos penguins. Marine iguanas, blue-footed boobies, brown noddy terns were using the volcanic ledges and the different kinds of lava structures as the perfect resting areas. Not too far away, one of our Zodiac drivers called for Mola mola! This happens to be the Latin name for the pelagic ocean sun fish, which was extremely cooperative and remained for a long time near the Zodiacs for our guests to enjoy it.

After a wonderful Zodiac cruise we geared up for snorkeling among sea turtles and different kinds of fish, not to mention the acrobatic maneuvers from our friends, the sea lions.

In the afternoon we disembarked on Fernandina Island, which happens to be the youngest, most pristine island in the archipelago. Marine iguanas and sea lions were found by dozens along the pristine beaches that surround the dramatic coastline.

We ended up having a lot of highlights during the day, but I must mention the encounter of two sea lions fighting for territory. Our guests literally had to run from the fight, as the sea lions decided to use the middle of the trail for their dispute.

Our full day has come to an end, and we are heading now to our next island. We can’t wait to keep you updated!