Dragon Hill & Chinese Hat

This is our sixth day in the Galápagos, we’ve seen many unforgettable things so far and we are ready to find out why this place is known as Dragon Hill. We landed at 8:00 o’clock on this marvelous place that has a stoning landscape, we walked through a giant prickly pear cacti’s forest and encountered a brackish water lagoon with a flamingo in it feeding, also many big land iguanas with dragon looking appearance close to their burrows.

Shortly afterwards we geared up for our deep water snorkeling, we went out with the Zodiacs to a group of Islets called Guy Fawkes and had the chance to explore the marine ecosystem of this site along a wall full of marine invertebrates and lots of fish.

We spent our afternoon in a channel right in between Santiago Island and Chinese Hat Islet. This sheltered place was the best spot for our activities; our guests were offered kayaking through a channel, deep water snorkeling along a lava field in Santiago Island, a Zodiac ride along the coastal part of Chinese Hat Islet and a visit to a white sandy beach on the same site.

At the end of the day we were all remembering both the land ecosystem and marine ecosystem of this place since we could find sea turtles, lots of fish, a shark, some penguins and many colonies of sea lions.