Floreana Island

Floreana Island is the southernmost island in the Galápagos archipelago; it offers exquisite wildlife as well as a crushing human history. Starting with early pirates and whalers, the very first humans ever to inhabit Galápagos settled on Floreana Island. The first specific instance know, what that of Patrick Watkins, who survived all by himself for a little more than two years after his captain left him behind for trying to organizing a mutiny aboard his ship. This happened at the very beginning of the eighteen hundreds, however settlers did not establish until the early nineteen thirties.

This morning we had a Zodiac ride around Champion Islet, looking for the elusive Floreana mockingbird, as well as some other shorebirds, sea lions and Sally Lighfoot crabs. Then we partook in a fabulous snorkeling experience filled with colorful tropical fish, sea lions and impressive marine life. After lunch, a kayak outing offered close experiences with sea turtles and sea lions.

During our afternoon walk we headed alongside a brackish water lagoon where the pinkest flamingoes were found. The organic, white flower beach at the end of our walk was refugee for sea turtles and their nests. Stories about the very first settlers and a soccer match between guests and the National Geographic Islander crew was definitely the perfect ending to another wonderful day in paradise.