Santa Cruz Island

It is 10 PM, I am in the Lounge listening to musicians from the Galápagos Islands, and I feel happily exhausted! I cannot believe how much we have seen, experienced, and above all, how much we have given today. And nothing can be more gratifying than giving.

It all started at the breeding centre for Galápagos giant tortoises. Guests learned about the restoration success of several tortoise populations. They discovered that we are all responsible for the good news: more than 5,000 baby tortoises have been repatriated to their home islands. Because of visitors who care and become Galápagos ambassadors, because of scientists' research, because of National Park rangers' hard work and because of a caring local population, this is a communal effort that should make us all very proud of.

While our guests visited the tortoises, 16 kids from "Escuela Loma Linda" boarded National Geographic Endeavour. They filled the corridors with their laughs and amazement. They had never seen such a big ship, a vessel that has travelled from Arctic to Antarctic latitudes. Kids explored the bridge and met our captain Juan Robalino, had pizza at the pool area, listened to a Geology presentation and went for a Zodiac ride along the shorelines of their home island. Once in town, everybody got invited for ice cream to celebrate. I celebrated twice, with two ice creams! Couldn't help it!

Then we all headed to the highlands with a few options for exploring. One was to visit "Tomas de Berlanga School," an institution that Lindblad Expeditions and the National Geographic Society support, with scholarships for 22 students. The school is in the woods; the kids run, play and learn in a healthy, free, unique environment. There, we dreamed on a better world; how couldn't we be certain about a good future for Galápagos, for the planet, after visiting this school?

But Lindblad is involved in many other projects. So, for the afternoon, we went to the recycling glass factory. It is completely financed by Lindblad Expeditions through its shop in town, Reflections. Kids and adults were making beautiful pieces, from jewellery to glasses of diverse colors and shapes; they have learned at workshops organized by Reflections, which also sells their work. Reflections' goal is to give back (through training programs and providing equipment) to the local artisans in the Galápagos.

After such a day, how could I not feel exhausted? But as I said before, happily exhausted. Life is good, giving feels so good.