
Twenty years ago most of us would never have considered a pleasure trip to Albania. The country's Communist dictator, Comrade Enver Hoxha, had virtually sealed Albania's borders, prohibiting nearly all movement of people into and out of "his" country. With the collapse of Communism throughout eastern Europe in the early 1990s, the door to Albania opened. Though Albania is still not a high profile vacation destination, especially for Americans, we found it to be a fascinating place filled with appealing sights and warmhearted people.

We began our exploration of Albania from the port of Saranda and made our way by bus to the national archaeological park of Butrint with its numerous architectural reminders of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine civilizations. Later in the day we had a very evocative evening atop one of the castles of Ali Pasha. We were treated to snacks and drinks and a live performance of Albanian music. We continue our exploration of Albania for a second day.

Our photograph comes from a promontory high above Saranda where one can survey part of the Albanian coastline and the Greek island of Corfu.