Who you meet on a visit to the Lista Peninsula and the community of Farsund depends upon who you are and your mode of travel. The MS Endeavour was greeted at the dock by the Town Crier who introduced us to the Mayor of Farsund, seen presenting David Barnes, Expedition Leader, with a plaque commemorating our inaugural visit. He also took us to the Lista Lighthouse, west of town, where Norway’s southern coastline dives gently into the North Sea. The 39-meter tall structure offered the hardy among us a 122-step hike to the top for a bird’s eye view of the surrounding landscape. Not even from this height is Denmark, sixty miles to the south, visible. For this reed warbler, such a view must have suggested hanging around the grounds and fattening up a bit before continuing with its self-propelled flight to Africa. This heightened the chances it would happen into a mist net and ultimately make the acquaintance of the bird observatory personal and, today, us as well! The staff person took the tiny bird’s measurements, outfitted it with a brand new bracelet (aluminum bird band) and then had it pose for one quick picture before release.