Briksdal Glacier, Olden, Nordfjord, Norway

WOW. I have finally stopped hiking for a brief, ethereal moment to gather my thoughts and catch my breath as I take several wide-angle photographs deep within a massive, dream-like, fog-topped, extremely steep-sided V-shaped, glacially-carved valley, inundated with at least 15 pulsating, towering, cascading and overflowing waterfalls as I am delicately perched on a huge, river-rounded rock, standing just off a precarious, one-track, horse-cart wooden bridge road, high above a raging torrent of pounding, thunderous, spray-inducing white water river, just where the thin, winding, dirt and gravel road crosses a sheer drop-off, high above our motor coaches, shopping opportunities and a cafeteria filled with home-made cakes and cookies, in a heavily-forested grove of trees at a switchback in the trail that leads to the massive and unbelievably bright, lapis lazuli blue, deeply-crevassed reaching toward the sky Briksdal Glacier, while our good ship MS Endeavour is neatly tucked alongside a small pier at the absolute very end of the incredibly scenic and carefully navigated Nordfjord, nearly 100 km inland from the west coast of southern Norway. Try saying that in one breath, and better yet, try finding us on the map!