Today National Geographic Endeavour II sailed to one of the oldest Islands, Espanola. In the morning we snorkeled around Gardner Islet and saw a few tropical fish, sea lions and colorful marine invertebrates. Later, we landed in Gardner Bay, a beautiful sandy beach. Many sea lions were sleeping or resting on the shore, and the curious Española mocking bird was wandering around our stuff.

In the afternoon we navigated to Punta Suárez, a paradise for sea birds. There we saw Nazca boobies at the peak of their breeding season with many chicks at different life stages. The view from the cliffs was breathtaking, and we had the chance to take pictures of sea birds in flight. We watch as female marine iguanas were digging their nests, while the Galapagos hawk was perching on top of its nest.

Every day is a new adventure in the Enchanted Isles!