The expedition continues, it is our sixth day exploring the Galápagos national park and yet every day on every island has been a completely new experience!

Early in the morning, at sunrise, we went for a brisk walk to the top of Bartolomé Island, which has a marvelous ecosystem and a spectacular view. There are many different geological features that we were able to observe as we hiked to the top of the island. Once we reached the top, we were rewarded with a grand scene of the pinnacle rock of Bartolomé, from a view point situated nearly at 360 feet above sea level.

Later in the morning, there were many options offered for our guests. Some went snorkeling in the clear waters and some others preferred to stay dry, and go for a ride aboard the glass bottom boat. The sunny morning also gave us the opportunity to enjoy some beach time.

In the afternoon, most guests went deep water snorkeling, followed by a Zodiac ride along the coastal area in between Sombrero Chino Islet and Santiago Island. During the day, many different species were seen, such as brown pelicans, sea lions, frigate birds, and herons. Perhaps the highlight of our day was a very close encounter with a Galápagos penguin that seemed to be posing for us. It was almost sunset when we found it, and our guests were so surprised to see penguins in a group of islands that straddle at the equator. Another incredible discovery in the enchanted islands.