It has been an enjoyable day filled with activities in the Galapagos.  We started before sunrise, heading to the top of Bartolome Island.  This small Island is very well known for its distinct geological formations and the amazing view from the top of the Island.

With every step we climbed the view just got better and better. Once at the top, we enjoyed an amazing view of different islands that are part of this oceanic archipelago.

Bartolome Island is also a good place to explain about the arrival and establishment of the Galapagos’ flora and fauna.  This Island is so interesting that we even decided to explore its marine life.  It was a good decision because we spotted penguins, sharks, rays, flounders and a wide variety of fish all in one location.  It was an amazing morning of excursions.

For the afternoon we visited a different Island, known as Rabida Island.  This time we decided to go out for a second round of snorkeling because this marine visitor site is one of the best in Galapagos.  The sightings were a bit similar to the previous one, but during this outing we also had the privilege of seeing Galapagos marine Iguanas diving and feeding on algae. That was a unique encounter!  We also offered a round of kayaking for those a bit more adventurous. 

To close our successful day, all of our guests had the opportunity to walk along a red sandy beach with Galapagos sea lions, land and sea birds. As we waited for our Zodiacs on the beach, we had the opportunity to enjoy a beautiful sunset as a yellow warbler was taking a bath.

That is Galapagos.  It’s a place where you can enjoy nature and forget the outside world for a moment.