Ron Leidich
Ron was born in Yokosuka, Japan and raised around the world in US military family. A passion for all creatures great and small led him to complete studies in Zoology at Oregon State University. After a five-year journey around the world as a migratory white water rafting guide and Scuba instructor, Ron settled into The Republic of Palau as his long-term residence.
He has spent the last three decades leading exotic journeys around the planet with a particular gravitational pull towards the coral triangle and Sunda shelf. His research efforts have covered a diversity of subjects to include marine mammals, plants & pollinators, migratory birds, as well as Palau's unique saltwater lakes. Ron is married into a Micronesian clan and has raised two children of his own and adopted more kids than he can count. More specifically, kids have adopted him as is the custom in Micronesia. When not leading tours he's most frequently found in the remote wilderness of Palau with his family, friends, and staff. Traditional sailing canoes, wildlife photography, tech diving, a fascination for large trees have kept Ron firmly planted in the great outdoors.