Deb Goodwin
Passionate about creating opportunities for explorers of all ages to engage with wild places, Deb embraces the power of immersive experiences to inspire curiosity and conservation. Extended backcountry expeditions as a teen jumpstarted this commitment and continue to motivate her travels. No matter the destination, she observes the natural environment with a detective’s mindset, seeking to understand how local geology, weather, ecological processes, and human history together shape the coastal land- and seascape.
Deb studied earth science at Carleton College and holds graduate degrees in ecosystem biology, oceanography, and experiential education. Over the last two decades, she has taught and led science projects in locations around the world, complemented by intervals with the National Park Service and wilderness-based leadership development programs. As Associate Professor of Oceanography and Chief Scientist at Sea Education Association, Deb takes undergraduates on multi-month voyages aboard sailing research vessels, training them in scientific techniques, navigation, leadership, and environmental and cultural stewardship.
Interested particularly in documenting spatial/temporal changes, Deb leverages long-term datasets, remote sensing, and field observations to explore marine dynamics ranging from offshore plastic pollution to the coastal ice-ocean interface. She is also a member of the Expedition Science Committee, reviewing proposals and coordinating logistics to support visiting researchers joining Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic voyages.
My upcoming expeditions
Journey to Antarctica: The White Continent