Amy Brummit
Amy Brummit has spent several seasons supporting science in Antarctica at all three United States research bases - McMurdo Station, Palmer Station and the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. These experiences include “wintering” at McMurdo Station where 24 hour darkness lasts for four full months. Through all of this, she found a true passion for the polar regions and is devoted to sharing it with others.
Amy worked many years as an environmental contractor for the National Marine Fisheries Service. She provided biological research and support while living on board vessels, monitoring sensitive marine habitats and mitigating for protected species. Through education and global outreach, she has taught about marine wildlife and environmental and conservation efforts both domestically and internationally.
She has spent time as a research assistant and whale naturalist in the Gulf of Maine and has taught outdoor education at the university level. She is licensed with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife which enables her to guide numerous sea kayaking trips along the coast of Maine and its outlying islands. Her love of guiding adventure expeditions also steered her to many years in and around Teton National Park, educating visitors on the park's history and its ecosystem.
An avid outdoor enthusiast, Amy is regularly found guiding white water rafting and sea kayaking trips, trekking and mountain climbing around the world, or working as a US Coast Guard civilian boat captain. She has traveled independently to over 100 countries and has lived and taught internationally in Africa, Asia and South America.